Our patients at Cascadia Kids Dentistry have already fallen in love with our pediatric dentist - Dr. Kathie! If you haven't had an appointment with her, then you are in for a real treat. Originally from Seattle, Dr. Kathie loves being near the ocean.

Meet Dr. Kathie
Q: Why did you decide to become a dentist?
A: I love arts and crafts, and always loved science. Dentistry is a perfect combination of both! I get to work with my hands every day and help maintain healthy, beautiful smiles.
Q: Did you have a favorite dentist when you were a kid?
A: No, I was terrified of the dentist growing up. I had a lot of cavities and vividly remember the feelings, sounds, and tastes from my dental appointments. Part of why I became a pediatric dentist was to help kiddos master the dental experience like my pediatric dentist did.
Q: If you could be a tooth, which one would you be?
A: Tough choice. I would probably be a mandibular central incisor. They’re the first forever teeth to arrive, and everyone is always excited to see them pop in!
Q: What is your favorite flavor of toothpaste?
A: Plain mint fluoride toothpaste, but I suppose I could be convinced to dabble in some strawberry flavored toothpaste every now and then. Preferably with sparkles.
Q: If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
A: I would love to live in Alaska! Seeing the northern lights is on my bucket list.
Q: If you could be the dentist to any famous person, who would it be?
A: It would be cool to be David Attenborough’s dentist, and I would probably ask him to narrate every dental procedure.
Q: Do you have a favorite childhood toy?
A: Tamagotchis were my jam growing up. I wish they were still popular!
Q: Where did you grow up?
A: I grew up here in the Seattle area and went to the University of Washington for college, dental school, and residency. The PNW is the best and I just couldn't leave!
Q: Mountains or beaches?
I could spend all day on a beach and in the water!